When a child is to be absent due to illness, the parent/guardian should call the school office (651) 699-1311 by 8:00 A.M. each day the child will not be in school. For your convenience you may leave a message on the answering machine before the office opens or email Mary Jo Iverson at miverson@nativitystpaul.org If no call or email is received, the school office will call the parent. If the parents can not be reached at home, the parent’s cell phone and work number will be called.
Absence and Tardiness:
A written note by the parent or guardian must be presented to the homeroom teacher following the absence and tardiness. Planned absences (family trips etc.) should be anticipated and notification should be given to the homeroom teacher and the principal in advance of the absence. The office should be notified by a call or email to Mary Jo Iverson at miverson@nativitystpaul.org if a student is going to arrive late due to an appointment. All students who arrive late must report to the school office upon arrival to school..
Parents are encouraged to plan family vacations according to the school calendar and the designated days off school each year.
Extended Absence:
When a student is absent for an extended length of time (5 school days or more) it is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to notify the homeroom teacher and the school office of the extended absence. Upon such notification the homeroom teacher will be responsible for notifying all other teachers of the child of the absence.
Excessive Absence:
A student who misses ten or more days per quarter may lose academic credit for that quarter. Exemptions based upon serious family or medical reasons may be made by the principal. A student may be required to attend summer school to fulfill their academic obligation to be promoted to the next level.
Early Dismissal Policy:
A written request from the custodial parent/legal guardian will be required for a student to leave school prior to dismissal times. The request should indicate the reason(s) for early dismissal as well as the identity of the person who will pick up the student from school.