The Nativity Social Justice Club (SJC) is a service-orientated group open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
The SJC activates and fulfills a need that young people have to be forces for positive change in their communities and in the world. This is reflected in the high rates of participation in the SJC; currently there are 180 student members. The purpose of this club is to open students’ eyes to the needs of people around them and then to empower them to create positive change. A guiding principal of the SJC is “To those to whom much has been given, much will be required” Luke Ch.12: 7. Once the students realize we are the ones to whom much has been given, they are eager to help.
The SJC has many projects in place currently, but students are always encouraged to propose their own causes that need volunteers or fundraising efforts as well. Every Monday after school we go to Risen Christ School in south Minneapolis, where Nativity SJC members provide one-on-one tutoring with kindergarteners in math. Once a month we go to Feed My Starving Children and pack rice meals to be shipped to children suffering from malnutrition in different countries, including Haiti and Nicaragua. Several times a year we help prepare meals, serve, and clean up at Loaves & Fishes. The Nativity SJC holds a winter clothing drive for Joseph’s Coats and “Super Sock Sunday” in January to collect socks and underwear for Dorothy Day. The weekend before Thanksgiving about 40 SJC members serve meals at the Little Sisters of the Poor for their Christmas Boutique. In previous years, the SJC has collected eyeglasses for the Lions Club and led a pajama drive for the children living at Mary’s Place in Minneapolis. SJC members have contributed their own money to pay for several surgeries through Smile Train, an organization that trains local doctors on how to perform cleft lip & palate surgeries around the world. For the past five summers, SJC members have volunteered at Cretin Derham Hall’s “Project Home,” a temporary homeless shelter for families located at CDH.
The Nativity Social Justice Club helps our students live out Gandhi’s famous call to action: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”